解決非大陸IP無法觀看土豆網、優酷網、騰訊視頻的問題 - Unblock Youku,基於頻寬及利益的考量,這些影音網站的部分影片會檔掉非中國大陸的訪客,所以就出現無法播放的訊息啦!(如:抱歉,此視頻只限於中國內地播放。Sorry, this video can only be streamed within Mainland China. 代碼:1000,或是,抱歉,因版權原因無法觀看此視頻!代碼:1000),只要裝上這個Chrome瀏覽器外掛,不用特別設定!就可以輕鬆破解這個限制,如果預設的「普通模式」失效,還可以切換為「轉發模式」翻牆進入中國大陸!(阿榮)(下載)
[2013.03.07] 此外掛無法安裝!會出現:「套件無效,詳細資料:無法將擴充功能解壓縮。」的錯誤!
[2013.03.08] 經測試,已經可以正常安裝了!
AdwCleaner Portable is a free removal tool for :
- Adware (ads softwares)
- PUP/LPI (Potentially Undesirable Program)
- Toolbars
- Hijacker (Hijack of the browser's homepage)
It works with a Search and Delete mode. It can be easily uninstalled using the mode "Uninstall".
Dec 12, 2014; San Antonio, TX, USA; San Antonio Spurs point guard Tony Parker (9) shoots the ball against Los Angeles Lakers point guard Jeremy Lin (17) during the first half at AT&T Center. (Soobum ... 較多
Dec 12, 2014; San Antonio, TX, USA; San Antonio Spurs point guard Tony Parker (9) shoots the ball against Los Angeles Lakers point guard Jeremy Lin (17) during the first half at AT&T Center. (Soobum Im-USA TODAY Sports) 較少