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[外電] 諾蘭&麥康納 現身聖地牙哥國際動漫大展
Jul 25th 2014, 21:13, by Interstellar

作者Interstellar (諾蘭新片年底上映)


標題[外電] 諾蘭&麥康納 現身聖地牙哥國際動漫大展

時間Fri Jul 25 21:13:10 2014  (縮網址) christopher-nolan-mcconaughey-comic-con-instellar  (原文網址) Christopher Nolan and Matthew McConaughey make Comic-Con debut with 'Interstellar' 克里斯多福諾蘭&馬修麥康納首度造訪動漫大展,為《Interstellar》(星際效應)造勢 By Anthony Breznican on Jul 24, 2014 at 7:06PM Comic-Con fans may want to spin a top to make sure they're not dreaming: The man behind Inception and The Dark Knight trilogy, Christopher Nolan, made his first-ever appearance at the San Diego fan convention Thursday to show off his upcoming sci-fi epic Interstellar. 動畫大展的粉絲們,可能會想去轉動一下陀螺圖騰,以確認自己不是在作夢: 因為《全面啟動》與《黑暗騎士三部曲》幕後的執導者:克里斯多福諾蘭, 於本週四,首次參與了聖地牙哥國際動漫展的見面會,並向在場觀眾分享他 即將上映的科幻大片《Interstellar》(台灣官方譯:星際效應)。 Entertainment Weekly editor Matt Bean introduced the film's leading man, Matthew McConaughey, to the crowd of more than 6,000 con-goers packed into the event's fabled Hall H - the biggest venue at the biggest entertainment gathering of the year. After coaxing some cheers from the audience, responding with his signature "Alright, alright, alright..." the Oscar winner then welcomed Nolan to the stage. 在這年度最大的娛樂博覽會的舉辦場地、粉絲的神聖殿堂「Hall H」,現場 有超過六千名的動漫展參觀者見證下,「娛樂週刊」雜誌的編輯麥特賓恩, 介紹了這部新片的領銜男主角:馬修麥康納出場。 而在鼓譟大家來點掌聲後,奧斯卡新科影帝.麥康納以他的口頭禪「好的、 好的、好的……。」要大家屏息以待,然後他就歡迎諾蘭登場到舞台上。 Interstellar, which hits theaters Nov. 7, was inspired by theories that wormholes could potentially be used as a short-cut for long-range time travel. Even with a previous trailer out, Nolan has kept the details of the plot mostly secret. 將於今年11月7日於戲院上映的《Interstellar》(星際效應),題材靈 感來自於:「太空蟲洞」被當成「星際遠航」的捷徑路線來使用的潛能。 但即使先前已公佈過一個較為完整的預告版本,諾蘭最近仍一直對其它劇情 重點保密到家。 McConaughey said Nolan even kept the story secret from him for as long as possible. "I got a call from my agent who said Christopher Nolan has a film and he wants to meet," the actor told Bean. After visiting the director's home for dinner, "three hours went by and he didn't say anything about a new film or me having a role. Then a week later the script came.” 麥康納告訴主持人賓恩說,諾蘭甚至連對他都是盡可能的將故事給保密。 「我接到一通經紀人的電話告訴我說,克里斯多福諾蘭將有一部新片的計劃, 而且他想安排跟你會面。」 於是,麥康納在諾蘭導演的家中與其共進晚餐後,「整整三個小時的談話, 他竟然都沒有提到新電影的任何事情,或我會有一個角色什麼的。然後一個 星期過去,劇本就送到我手上了……。」 (以下為五月發佈過的預告片內容及原文的相關描述還有翻譯,不喜勿讀

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What we know is that the world is on the brink after climate change takes its toll on the planet, and McConaughey plays an engineer who teams up with a group of other researchers and astronauts (including Anne Hathaway) on a scientific mission to save the rest of us, leaving behind family that doesn't know if they'll ever see their loved ones again. Jessica Chastain and Nolan stalwart Michael Caine co-star. 關於劇情,我們原先就能知道的前提大綱是,這個世界在歷經極端氣候的洗 禮後,正面臨末日等級的危機。而麥康納飾演一位電機工程師,他將與一群 專業研究者還有頂尖太空人(包括安海瑟薇飾演的角色)進行一場科學任務, 來拯救世人。同時還必須先割捨下他們不知是否還能再相見的家人。潔西卡 雀絲坦以及諾蘭的長青班底--麥可肯恩,都在卡司陣容中。 The story was inspired by the theoretical physicist Kip Thorne, whose studies on the theory of relativity delves into the idea of so-called wormholes in space and time that could be used as shortcuts for human exploration of the universe. Thorne is not just a scientist whose work they study from afar, he's an executive producer of the film, Nolan added. 故事題材的靈感是來自於理論物理學家--基普索恩。他對於我們所謂的, 能當作人類進行宇宙遠航時之捷徑的「時空蟲洞」,其相關理論的研究是鑽 研得非常深的。不過他也不只是諾蘭他們田野調查的對象而已;諾蘭補充說, 索恩同時也是本片的執行監製。 "For me, in working on the script, there were a lot of very intense conversations with somebody who is much better informed than me. It actually made my head hurt a bit," the director said. "I actually said to Kip, ‘Well, I don't want to understand this stuff too much, because I have to be able to explain it to the audience.’ He's a very generous collaborator, and somebody who has spent an incredible amount of time thinking about these concepts.” 「對我來說,在劇本的建構過程中,與一個對相關專業知識瞭若指掌的人( 指索恩)對話,宛如震撼教育般、讓我其實感到頭疼不已呢!」導演說。「 我後來甚至對基普說:『……這個嘛,我其實也無法再深入瞭解所有東西下 去了啦!因為我將運用的理論,必須要能自己先吸收消化,還得向觀眾深入 淺出解釋一番呢!……』」 諾蘭並盛讚,基普是一個非常慷慨大方的專案合作者,並且花了我們難以想 像之多的時間,來幫忙構思這些劇情中應用的理論概念。 In his presentation Thursday he showed off the new trailer, which offered a little more insight into what lies beyond for moviegoers when Interstellar hits theaters November 7. 在他週四的這場與會中,諾蘭向大家展示了新預告。這支預告片提供給期待 本片的觀眾,在十一月七日正式上映前,對這部片更進一步的一睹為快。 The new footage - which won't be released publicly until much later - certainly had its enigmatic moments, but it also offered a few more clues about the plot... 這部新預告(短期間內應該暫時還不會公佈,可能要等之後了)的內容,內 容果然還是一樣令人費解,但它多少為劇情提供了更多一些線索……。 (編按:原文兩段描述具體新劇情的段落,以下以關燈形式呈現,以免造成 任何人不必要的觀賞樂趣破壞。即使原文及該影片所透露的未必情節重大。 有興趣的人可自行開燈,或點選連結閱讀原文內容。造成不便之處請包涵。) It turns out that what these particular astronauts are looking for is another Earth, a habitable planet where human life can thrive again. "We used to look up at the sky and wonder about our place in the stars,” McConaughey's character says. “Now, we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.” 劇情揭露了,原來這些進行特殊任務的太空人,在尋找的是:另一個新的地 球。一個可以讓人類再次繁榮茁壯的可居住星球。 「我們曾抬頭仰望天空,好奇著我們的世界,是如何被環抱在辰星之間。」 預告片中麥康納的角色這麼述說。 「現在,自身難保的我們只能低頭俯瞰,擔憂著我們的世界,因為它被淹沒 於塵土之間。」 We see some of his astronaut/engineer asking Caine when (or if) he'll see his daughter again, followed by a promise to her that he will come back. And if he doesn't, "I'll love you forever." Cue tears as the music swells, followed by stunning vistas of what can only be far-off worlds (or maybe Iceland.) Although beautiful, they seemed hostile to life, particularly the lives of the explorers. One sequence featured the pioneering scientists escaping a massive chasm with icy, rocky peaks on the top and bottom like a fearsome terrain of mountainous teeth. 我們看到預告片的內容中,一些他的太空人∕工程師團隊夥伴,問著麥可肯 恩的角色說,什麼時候、或是否有機會,可以再見到自己的女兒一面,因為 答應了她一定會回來。而如果回不來,「記得我永遠愛妳。」 感人的橋段隨著音樂的增強,畫面一轉來到震懾人心的磅礡遠景,一看便知 這肯定是外星世界的環境(或像冰島的某些壯麗世外景色)。然而,雖然美 麗不已,這地方似乎對生命來說極不友善,尤其是對這一群出任務的太空探 險者。其中一個場景畫面是,一位工程科學家,匆忙逃離一個危險的地方: 一片廣大的深淵,在頂端與底部皆有著覆滿冰塊與石塊的山峰,深邃的尖山 排列宛如一口巨人牙齒的地形……。 "I've always been a huge fan of science fiction," Nolan told the crowd. "I'd grown up being amazed by science fiction of the past, obviously Star Wars and 2001. These are things that made an incredible impression on me. But more than that, I grew up in an era when to be an astronaut was the highest ambition of any child.” 「我一直都超級迷科幻故事的。」諾蘭對大家說。「我成長在一個『科幻起 飛』的年代,那時代的經典尤其是《星際大戰》跟《2001太空漫遊》, 這些作品給了我非常深刻的印象和啟發。不過更值得一提的是,我成長於一 個所有小孩心中的第一志願都是當太空人的年代。」 Bean asked what Interstellar meant to him, and Nolan responded: "It's really about human beings, and what it means to be human, and what our place is in the universe.” 主持人賓恩詢問諾蘭,那麼《Interstellar》(星際效應)對他有何象徵意 義?他回答道:「這真的是與人類息息相關的主題,以及探討「生而為人」 的意義,還有探索我們的星球在這浩瀚宇宙中的定位。」 Nolan said the script, by his brother Jonathan, focuses on a new era of technological pioneering, with "a journey that would take you not just into the solar system, our solar system, but to a whole other galaxy.” 諾蘭說這部由他的弟弟強納森所完成的劇本,聚焦在一個特別的世界觀:那 個時代的開創性工程技術,能夠讓我們進行一種「不只是在自家太陽系的旅 行,而是跳躍至一個全然不同的其它銀河系……。」 The director told Hall H he had never visited the convention before because he was always busy elsewhere. "I've heard a lot about this really being a place where people are most passionate about movies and popular culture in general, so I thought I'd come see what all the fuss is about," Nolan said to cheers of approval. "I'm not disappointed and extremely honored to be here." 導演告訴「Hall H」廳堂上的觀眾說,他之前從沒來過這裡,是因為他不巧 都在別的地方忙碌。我聽過非常多關於這裡的事,知道這邊有著對電影及流 行文化極度熱情的人們,所以我思考著有朝一日,一定要來一探究竟。 「而這邊的熱鬧精彩果然一點都沒讓我失望。很榮幸能來到這地方。」諾蘭 對著認同他的掌聲說著。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

fact:推分享資訊 07/25 21:19

mindsteam:太好了!不但有相當程度的科學考證,而且還直接請物理學 07/25 21:37

mindsteam:家擔任執行製作人。這令人更加地期待這部片了! 07/25 21:37

※ 編輯: Interstellar (, 07/25/2014 21:42:40

alljerry04:喔耶!為什麼我要當兵啊啊啊 07/25 21:44

alljerry04:好想衝首映 QQ 07/25 21:45

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